Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Calf Muscle Tight Swollen

Freunde, es ist das immer gleiche Thema:
in regelmäßigen Abständen bekommt die deutsche Bildungspolitik von allerlei illustrious institutions (UN, PISA, OECD, etc.) is not properly written to the job reference and must prevail. Sitting there thinking that German educational policy much more clever things, eg that non-uniform math books in German lands are totally stupid, yes. The woman said Schavan that once was doller for federalism in education, but now less and less.
has any event, the OECD now criticizes that - Attention news! - The FRG it enough to academics, students and equal opportunities in the system is missing.
Taking that women's education minister announced Schavan now an "Education Fall" was in and to the Standing Conference It was necessary to "open doors" - how nice. Everywhere you hear back, says the German educational policy in vague metaphors about a new pain-free future of the German educational landscape that appears to the observer changed radically.
shame: No one
the men and women speak of money, and if so, only to get it to "invest in research".
No one is saying that the state has removed more and more of its educational mission and that it was in the "independent school" or the "Company School", under the guise of hopeful-sounding "Freedom" largely withdraw from the financing of education and schools and colleges with an increased administrative burden underfunded and leave helpless.
No one speaks of the educational policy that for years, a process is in the process raising the price of higher education for consumers gradually, so that he can study free and quick.

we assume that higher education is an apple. And apples were to have been always free, nationwide at each corner and in a nice high average taste and nutritional quality.
Now it is found that people consume not have enough apples. And the state, and even wrote the company discovered his interest in seeing that again more apples consumed, so that this Country better off.
The previous approach of German educational policy for this problem has become so well known and also not easy to understand:
The state leads to the apples in the market, making them progressively expensive. Of course, so people eat more apples, quod erat demonstrandum.

we hold that the analysis of problems usually occur on the least mistakes ...


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