Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Husband And Wife Shower

Goin 'Against Your Mind

friends, I am sure with me that's in the genes: My pronounced lethargy.
was then Mum glad of, because I unlike all the other babies always slept without driving to my parents with nightly Quäkterror crazy. Even in the delivery room, it looked like this: while all the babies screamed and cried and cried, it was possible small David recognized in that he comfortably in his crib dream to himself.
What used to be "sweet" and was quite pleasant for all concerned, is no longer accepted. Both the family and society forbids me so my major 12-hour sleep. It is then a family page if you would be all day in bed, you would come to nothing and would oversleep the day, yes life. The company is even more stringent conditions: those who have more than 5-6 hours of sleep on weekdays Trott needs is a bad employee. Inefficient, poorly economically exploitable.
Elite boasts so often to get along with almost no sleep. Condoleezza Rice, the U.S. Secretary of State is never to bed before midnight and starts every day at 4:30 clock in the night with an extensive fitness program. Also Ede "BürokratievernichterNEU" Stoiber or the stupid Sabine Christiansen are proud to have so much to do, that they hardly sleep.
Well, of course, no one talks about the consequences. Not even the strong coffee and or cocaine addiction, would have to cultivate such people.
It is clear, however, now scientifically :
If you sleep shorter, quicker death.
Doubled heart attack risk for all "short-sleep-macho!
effects of social pressure in developed countries, as to return little to be more dependent on employment.

PS: It seems apparent probably also excessively long sleep may possibly lead to depression. Arouse a sense that social parasites is settled useless.


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