Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can Furniture Polish Work On Skis

cardigan ready?

Well, what can I say. Done. 've Been working without guidance for the full work. When inserting the sleeve was with that they are in the sleeve head become too far. Still have everything ready made and ironed out just the pattern, once gone over the sleeves, why is the jacket now become much more? In Rumpfbereicht fine, but now my arms are too short ...
I'll sleep over it again and I think if I solve the sewn threads back, sleeves out, unravel a bit and re-finish. Or make it a vest? GrĂ¼bel ......
look, makes you an idea:

The new pendant from Christine is great! Thanks to the other end of the world.

And the nice cloth Christel my neck is doing very well!


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