Friday, August 10, 2007

Has Anyone Got Their Tax Refund Early

BPB, Broder, Boerne and Islam

Okay friends, I rebelled.
In that BPB - the Federal National political education - now " Hurray, we capitulate " sell by Henryk M. Broder, with the effect that this work now price (-un) is worth more widespread.
because the emotions of that essay causes around the already excited debate "The threat to the West by Islam" in connection with such dubious Internet conglomerates like " PI - Politically Incorrect " whose readers through their passionate comments like a German national sentiments reveal, make me more scared.
fear of an anti-Islamic (fashion) movement, which reflects the problems encountered little and differentiated, and a primitive In-Group/Out-Group succumbs emotion, fueled by widespread polemicist as just and Mr. Broder is one.
This was recently the Boerne - price awarded a foundation, whose board sit in such illustrious men as Burda and Döpfner. An other, Helmut "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck - and not think of the reader" Mark word was given the honor this year alone - as usual - select a winner. And Mark just found the word Broder dolle quite honored because this George W. Bush, advocating the Iraq war and against "1.5 billion Muslims around the world, the chronically offended and tend unpredictable reactions " (Broder) is fighting.
Broder also finds that " If an 'immigrant' has, who needs only in very extreme cases, a lawyer, for example, when he slaughters a filmmaker on the streets ". Next
notes Broder, a pernicious, close following of demagogy extending logic:
"You can not run in many ways prior to the realization that terrorism is a threat that must be put to [...]. A sober analysis would result in two options, [there is a third possibility, editor A.] tertium non datur: Man surrenders immediately comes to Islam and a particularly militant community in, or you seriously considered what you could do to stop terrorism, for which one would unfortunately sacrificing some principles of the fenced-in communal life. "
seems interesting to this quote to me and the hidden final" either you step to Islam over or you fight the Terrorimus "which is aimed, of course, to the subtle equation Islam = Terrorimus
At last, Broder's position on holiday in Guantanamo.
" The idea that an innocent person could be detained for years, is a nightmare. On the other hand, beyond the idea that we could on terror only by lawful Means get at the border to the unreal. It is as if you call the fire department would be to stick in their operations to the Highway Code and in any case a red light to run over. "
suggested for this dumb relativism, the lack of alternatives, stammtisch adequately simply a metaphor does not last holds great potential for danger, Broder gets so regularly applause both from above (Döpfner, Burda, Mark word) and below (round)

And now sharpens the BPB their islam critical profile -..! with Broder Hurrah, I capitulate

This review uses quotes from the media criticism of Otto Koehler in leaves for German and international politics 8 / 2007, p. 935


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