Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pain Back Just Above Waist

zoon politikon

friends, I am a social creature. I may have militant people who enjoy controversy. People to question things first before they get a faith or belief as their own.

Yesterday I saw "Good Night, And Good Luck" , a wonderful film about Investigativjournalismus in the U.S. during the McCarthy era. A film of striking parallels to the current political situation in the U.S. and increasingly draws in Germany.
It speaks of the CBS journalist Edward R. Murrow such wonderful things like:
"Most truths are so naked that people feel sorry for them and cover them up, at least a little bit."
"The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is so true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue." .

Somewhere at the bottom of the film refers to the statement that it reveal the duty of enlightened people, and of course the media is to search for the truth, to denounce these injustices and in public spaces. Regardless of whether that process is economically recoverable or motivated a powerful opposition.

why I would like at this point two, almost Attach three things that have moved me politically lately and still move. Maybe you take the time, does not think about opportunity costs or consumption or quick and easy gratification and read a little on interesting sites in the internet:

first Railway privatization
actually already a scandal, at least, the draft law from the Tiefenseeschen Affairs.
with all sorts of legal wrangling will be tempted to sell off over 100 billion euro train for a few billion euros and brought to market to overthrow the federal government in control of the rails and to degrade to mere Netzsubventionslakaien, and ultimately overturn the constitutional mandate under Article 87e para 4.
is the most complex issues, both economically and legally .

Economically, the problem is briefly put, that there can be no parallel track systems for several competitors in the market. Talk of the problem of indivisibility, which requires a natural monopoly. That is, the cost is then minimal if only one company owns the rails / managed. This company is currently the federal government as the owner of the network and the DB AG with 100% voting shares.
The current draft law now provides that - to put it simply - the federal government while on paper is still the owner of the so-called railway infrastructure company, the federal government (EIU) is that he gives up but in fact his authority at the Annual Meeting of the EIU in favor of DB AG, subject to a "sustained threat to the security interest" of the federal - what a very spongy and legally controversial legal term.
is the core of the bill by the experts as seen on two pages as a failed attempt by the legislature, give "of the DB AG so few rights to the EIU, the constitutionally required effect is maintained by the Federal her but yet so to give many rights to the EIU, that the balance right - and behind that, ultimately, the market - The EIU's economic assets of the DB AG assigns. Not meet the federal government retained rights to the standard of a majority of the Federation in Article 87, paragraph 3, e 3 ms 2 GG, nor can the EIU in favor of DB AG accounted for "

order that again in all. clearly highlighting here:
is currently the bill a heavenly vision for all future yield-oriented investors of the DB AG A railway company that may want to exercise quasi and how it wants and its network at the same time massively by the state, so the taxpayers subsidized, without. any political influence can still submit to the web.
Thus, the citizen may at least legitimate fear for his guarantee on the loss-making regional train from Hinterpusemuckel to Oberammergau.

second child pornography
has here, the legislature apparently, a new, as it were dangerous ace up its sleeve.
of the Act to implement the Framework Decision of the Council of the European Union on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography "comes up with some surprises and could lead to criminal consequences for the 17 year old first love Flying carries in his wallet a bit lewd photo of his 16 year old girlfriend. Commented
A blogger put it:
The only thing that causes this law is that the existing social consensus that child pornography is banned, is in danger.
If it were not so serious it would be a flawless farce.
reading !

third Butterwegge
It may indeed be the Lord as you want. Certainly the positions are sometimes extremely. But at that very extremism is the attraction. He's expanding horizon. And without blinders can certainly many good things from Butterwegge incoming Book found.
given an interview .

PS: If I like civil disobedience can order at Attac funny stickers on railway privatization to the postage cost in order hihi "his private car (if you have one)" to decorate. 've Already started making fun.


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