Saturday, October 6, 2007

Very Thick Discharge Before Period

Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground

Freunde, kalte kälte remixed V 2.0 ist tot.

Weiter geht es hier .

Monday, October 1, 2007

D2nt How To Not Get Detected


Fellows, I recently thought of maybe quitting this blog. Actually for no particular reason. I'm not ashamed of what i write or try to express by words. Maybe it's just the feeling that i choose the wrong method to get in contact with people about topics i consider as important or interesting. Maybe by-and-by this turned out to be more difficult than just doin stupid occupational therapy, which it used to be at the beginning. Maybe my blog needs a new concept, which is more focused on one certain topic. Exclusive musical, political or "I'm a total deadbeat, please help me world!" issues...?

I think cold cold remixed should take a break so that I have space n time to figure out a new sophisticated blogging concept, Which is more reliable and sincere ...

... so what do u think, if u think?

Hp Commercial Song Laptop


friends, please excuse my long absence. For a blog to readers is worth reading even come close, it must be updated regularly - even in the era of labor-reducing surf RSS feed subscriptions, I know.
But I had plenty C-reactive protein in the blood , 72mg of it to a liter. This was clearly too much, not only for me, for my wretched body shell. But now it's back upwards 1.2 Dehydrocortisol be praised! - A really devilish good stuff: 20mg of it and you can eat again! One problem though: I have to back down from 20mg a panacea, because I usually break the bones in the long term.
The moral of the story is bitter and ambivalent: the relief of symptoms only at the expense of my better future.
Like smoking and alcohol also: have fun now, die later.

friends, I do not know if I will put here in the future great relevance to the day.
The semester starts in two weeks, I have to prepare a main course and would like to actually learn a foreign language in old age.
confident I am, however, to install one or the other musical note, policy issues critical to short and get to the bottom and a lot to tell about the financial relationships within the federal government.

PS: The new album of Spoon "Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga" is quite splendid!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Husband And Wife Shower

Goin 'Against Your Mind

friends, I am sure with me that's in the genes: My pronounced lethargy.
was then Mum glad of, because I unlike all the other babies always slept without driving to my parents with nightly Quäkterror crazy. Even in the delivery room, it looked like this: while all the babies screamed and cried and cried, it was possible small David recognized in that he comfortably in his crib dream to himself.
What used to be "sweet" and was quite pleasant for all concerned, is no longer accepted. Both the family and society forbids me so my major 12-hour sleep. It is then a family page if you would be all day in bed, you would come to nothing and would oversleep the day, yes life. The company is even more stringent conditions: those who have more than 5-6 hours of sleep on weekdays Trott needs is a bad employee. Inefficient, poorly economically exploitable.
Elite boasts so often to get along with almost no sleep. Condoleezza Rice, the U.S. Secretary of State is never to bed before midnight and starts every day at 4:30 clock in the night with an extensive fitness program. Also Ede "BürokratievernichterNEU" Stoiber or the stupid Sabine Christiansen are proud to have so much to do, that they hardly sleep.
Well, of course, no one talks about the consequences. Not even the strong coffee and or cocaine addiction, would have to cultivate such people.
It is clear, however, now scientifically :
If you sleep shorter, quicker death.
Doubled heart attack risk for all "short-sleep-macho!
effects of social pressure in developed countries, as to return little to be more dependent on employment.

PS: It seems apparent probably also excessively long sleep may possibly lead to depression. Arouse a sense that social parasites is settled useless.

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Real Act Prep Practice Tests

dance / not dance in Belgium

friends, it was purely a gut decision under stress and without the knowledge of my individual financial condition, which I have since taken.
Now it is my fate, with the party bus through Europe to jet off to its destination with 35,000 other crazy people for 12 hours to chug along under Strobolicht my narrow hips to the beat. Likewise, it is my destiny that I probably do without the famous Gui Boratto and I once again must be forced French riot electric.
allies for you a video with impressions last year under the slogan "Because you do not know what you are doing ..":

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Movie With Ghost Driver In Black Car?

karma police sleeping in the lowest

friends, there are so lucky days that makes you almost everything right and little wrong. At least then, if you can agree that no action be either true or false, or may lie at least somewhere in between. To illustrate one small retrospective:

When I was younger, so maybe about 17, and people still more hated than it is today, I tried to completely abandon an adjustment. Desperately, I searched every day the seed of evil in the beings around me. If an adjustment should have taken place that I would have been welcome, then the environment would have had to turn aside to me. I passively waited for invitations, to have fun in life in being with people.
was the light of this philosophy is also a short vacation on the West coast of Spain, in the superficial fun of me, my young fellow man first and foremost in combination with alcohol, sun and beach to haunt. My God, I heard ... Trail Of Dead and did not find me beautiful girl! I
vegetated like a dehydrated animal in the hot light of western Spain and then said no every time the friend asked, do you want to the beach? Or, worse, do you want with the disco? That was not now, because: I had principles! When I go to a club, it is because of the music. This has to fit into my stuff, not far from one. Well, in the disco was not a ... Trail Of Dead, so I had to show solidarity with the lost souls who certainly did not compete because music is not political motives in the way the Campingplatzdisse.

I and what I as a holiday and me around noticed was a turning point was the day trip to the beautiful city of Barcelona. Once there, I boarded the next record shop, while my coach friendly poured the first long drinks. Guided by God's hands that day I bought two CDs: My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless" and Radiohead's "OK Computer". This woman smiled as the English treasury and looked deep into my eyes as I put the record on the sales counter. In that moment I knew that your life will change, the germ of evil that you always buried in people and rest waiting for water see is corrupt, and these plates are radically change your brain turns so that you will be reborn as a philanthropist !
Sorry: it was only a brief daydream, which I fell into when I saw the lovely saleswoman in her eyes. Of course, nothing changed so quickly. The process is far from over. It will take time before I can all the people and thus ultimately also love myself unrestrained and unconditional.

I just hear the record from which the speech was over and know I'm on the right track, thank you very much Kevin Shields, always connected Thom Yorke.

Fitter, Happier, More Productive, Comfortable, Not Drinking Too Much
Regular Exercise At The Gym, 3 Days A Week
On Getting Better With Your Associate Employee Contemporaries At Ease
Eating Well, No More Microwave Dinners And Saturated Fats
A Patient Better Driver, A Safer Car, Baby Smiling In Back Seat
Sleeping Well, No Bad Dreams, No Paranoia
Careful To All Animals, Never Washing Spiders Down The Plughole
Keep In Contact With Old Friends, Enjoy A Drink Now And Then
Will Frequently Check Credit At Moral Bank, Hole In Wall
Favors For Favors, Fond But Not In Love
Charity Standing Orders On Sundays Ring Road Supermarket
No Killing Moths Or Putting Boiling Water On The Ants
Car Wash, Also On Sundays, No Longer Afraid Of The Dark Or Midday Shadows
Nothing So Ridiculously Teenage And Desperate Nothing So Childish
At A Better Pace, Slower And More Calculated, No Chance Of Escape
Now Self-Employed, Concerned, But Powerless
An Empowered And Informed Member Of Society, Pragmatism Not Idealism
Will Not Cry In Public, Less Chance Of Illness, Tires That Grip In The Wet
Shot Of Baby Strapped In Back Seat, A Good Memory Still Cries At A Good Film
Still Kisses With Saliva, No Longer Empty And Frantic Like A Cat Tied To A Stick
That's Driven Into Frozen Winter Shit, The Ability To Laugh At Weakness
Calm Fitter, Healthier And More Productive A Pig In A Cage On Antibiotics

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Calf Muscle Tight Swollen

Freunde, es ist das immer gleiche Thema:
in regelmäßigen Abständen bekommt die deutsche Bildungspolitik von allerlei illustrious institutions (UN, PISA, OECD, etc.) is not properly written to the job reference and must prevail. Sitting there thinking that German educational policy much more clever things, eg that non-uniform math books in German lands are totally stupid, yes. The woman said Schavan that once was doller for federalism in education, but now less and less.
has any event, the OECD now criticizes that - Attention news! - The FRG it enough to academics, students and equal opportunities in the system is missing.
Taking that women's education minister announced Schavan now an "Education Fall" was in and to the Standing Conference It was necessary to "open doors" - how nice. Everywhere you hear back, says the German educational policy in vague metaphors about a new pain-free future of the German educational landscape that appears to the observer changed radically.
shame: No one
the men and women speak of money, and if so, only to get it to "invest in research".
No one is saying that the state has removed more and more of its educational mission and that it was in the "independent school" or the "Company School", under the guise of hopeful-sounding "Freedom" largely withdraw from the financing of education and schools and colleges with an increased administrative burden underfunded and leave helpless.
No one speaks of the educational policy that for years, a process is in the process raising the price of higher education for consumers gradually, so that he can study free and quick.

we assume that higher education is an apple. And apples were to have been always free, nationwide at each corner and in a nice high average taste and nutritional quality.
Now it is found that people consume not have enough apples. And the state, and even wrote the company discovered his interest in seeing that again more apples consumed, so that this Country better off.
The previous approach of German educational policy for this problem has become so well known and also not easy to understand:
The state leads to the apples in the market, making them progressively expensive. Of course, so people eat more apples, quod erat demonstrandum.

we hold that the analysis of problems usually occur on the least mistakes ...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Yellow Liquid With Colyte

bitter peace love ecstasy unity respect

life :
friends when the environment exposed me radioactively with boredom and I slide in Anne Wills Talk Premiere after 5 minutes in a blissful deep sleep, then everything is dark red. Less because Anne Will and their boring guests yet more boring scenery, but because of the risk that present the larger than life periods to bring the vacation without power internships so with themselves. It is a well-known desire is regulated by the meaningful daily routine, devoted entirely to the service to the community or, alternatively, work on the next rung of the career ladder.
And that suits me the article by Wolfgang Engler to "work as an option" , a plea for a social contract in which the negative freedom is free from paid work (operational work) to live may, in the current leaves at all in my current mood world situation. Discuss the article but ostensibly only the question of the need to work a real option rather than the pragmatic questions, which makes a unconditional basic income and the effects it could have. The simple thought, one must first people to positive freedom (-snutzung) enable the utopian project that does not tip seems to me Engler get a little too short.
failed in the end, a (my) informed opinion on this subject but from a lack of knowledge, insufficient empirical work, I just know that I am skeptical, observing to myself: positive freedom is a hard-to-use matter, if you listen to pointless blogging, music , broadcasting posts consume and use generally do not count.
At the end, perhaps the realization that I like most the work, like the CSU is closer to the people. So I must consequently remain at Caritas, are a social worker. But since the money would be almost no chance of woman, child and home.
fact is: you should not do that, what makes a fun , because much of it is economically difficult to negotiate.

friends, also through the leaves, I became aware of the deal under the criminal , in the U.S. plea bargaining already in everyday use. In German Criminal law is, in particular the Code of Criminal Procedure § 153a of importance. This is inter alia intended to speed up those same criminal procedure and free the overburdened courts of adequate working to stem the flood of litigation in smaller by § 153 Code of Criminal Procedure not covered cases.
§ 153 Code of Criminal Procedure, paragraph 1:
"With the approval of the competent for the commencement of the trial court and the accused may waive the prosecution for a misdemeanor being from the collection of public action and give both the accused conditions and instructions, if these are likely to eliminate the public interest in law enforcement, and the severity of the debt does not preclude. "

is interesting that this paragraph in particular in the well public outrage caring proceedings against Ackermann / Esser (Mannesmann) and Peter Hartz (VW affair) played an important role.
In the case of Ackermann / Esser involved the payment of 57 million € premiums shown to top executives of the previous Board of Directors of Mannesmann in the course of the transaction paid with Vodafone and the Supervisory Board in which Ackerman was approved. accused of was the men's and co-defendant infidelity gem. § 266 StGB .
The deal looked like this, that Ackermann and Esser Co., the court with a cash support (no Fine) of € 5.8 million as non-convicted men left, corresponding almost exactly 10% of the total damages.
It was also because of the unpleasant image that Joseph held the A. already before the trial began Fingered V into the camera. In case it
Hartz Dealt similar.
questionable and highly controversial in both cases, the application of § 153a, which does not actually provide conditions only "if they are capable of removing the public interest in prosecution" and if not where "the degree of fault not "precludes . Of these, one can speak in both cases and so is unlikely to be ultimately, the serious question whether the trade created with justice, the deal in the criminal trial, already has a system of double standards and become, above all, the rich and powerful of the Republic of the system as its own.
Thinking too late: the legislator should better not cancel Article 14 paragraph 2 GG , if you will spare him the accusation of cynicism?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Free Open Gym In New York

everything. everyone. everywhere. ends.

friends, just the excuse that I increasingly neglected this blog:
I spend my time for a couple of days and nights in close emotional ties to Fisher family, which operates a funeral home in LA. This binding takes to do such a ludicrous traits that after closing time from midnight to 5 clock in the morning do not get away from the screen, through which I look at the Fishers in their trials and tribulations on the business of death.
wonderful also because the producing station of the series, HBO, only by subscription (either via satellite or digital cable) in the U.S. is available, subject to the station is not regulated by the Federal Communications Commission and thus not the usual censorship sex scenes with respect and "explicit language" that includes both sexual innuendo and profanity. That is, the dialogues are very natural and yet so fresh and it may be shown erect penises of the dead, what the whole funeral director being an uncommonly painting is authentic.
And immediately I noticed also in: ABC-Agent Cooper was never allowed to "Piss off, you greedy little Nazi fuck!" Say, of course, apart from the fact that he had never said this. And even FOX-Fox Mulder could never curse, unbelievable!

Conclusion: Six Feet Under is the best part of sophisticated television entertainment, which you can buy now so in series. (Assertion, of course, set up without a benchmark and not stupid sitcoms counted.) See

Please find attached the grand Opening Sequence.
(whom the music sounds familiar: SFU was written by Alan Ball and designed, which is also responsible for the screenplay of American Beauty shows. This in turn has a friend Alan Ball, Thomas Newman is, in turn, both the music for American Beauty, as has also written to SFU. Beautiful.)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Pokemon Soul Silver Rom Cydia

household with eva h.

friends, at this point I'm also including abused women in public life, haunts two in number
The first lady unfortunately still by the German living room TV screen in order to mimic the good-humored self-confident blonde with Moppel meinungsfreudigem universal knowledge.
The second blonde now has speculated for promotional purposes that the German mass media comparisons with the Third Reich (in which content-related or another) known to react excited, so make plenty of message. could unfortunately was too much risk in this speculation, as the employer of Mrs. H. is related not with her, and without being asked in the improvement worthy views of the world trumpeted the "mother-child-stove-feminism debate" identify and free work force at the NDR ado announced. What had happened? After Ms. H.

already on the advice of the NDR a lecture about her favorite subject at a specialized agency of the ever-popular Austrian Freedom Party canceled at short notice, shot the bird, Mrs H. (their work) without authorization from one of their many Book ideas for new masterpiece "The principle of Noah's Ark" from:
Eva H.: The Third Reich was
"Many things were very bad, for example, Adolf Hitler" . "But some very good, as the appreciation of the mother." The 68ers would then have abolished the appreciation of the mother - and are therefore responsible for the "social Salad .

confirmed in the BamS Mrs. H then the same again, that
" values such as family, children and motherhood, which were promoted in the Third Reich, then through the 68s have been abolished."

Hopefully, that Eva H. positions, perhaps even their own lives, to think and draws conclusions (based on their lives are the least severe guilt feelings would be).

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Goldfish Respiration Lab Answers

kinda new?

friends, I've always wanted to write a post while I get dizzy when I close my eyes.
see So if this something good will come out. Because of the alcohol or that special feeling that creeps up when you start your keys do not find the hole and Mom & Dad are awake because you stumble up the stairs, even though you concentrate. I must say
affected by fog: there is absolutely nothing to it. I'm just concerned that I was here for this to be carried away. Please
it simply survive.
foreign words fail me, this is a donation.
Now it gets light, and what good is the love in your mind? (Take or notifications in respect of the suicide club accepted.)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

New Membership Church Letter

the lost art of keeping a secret

first The glass terrorist in a step

Angie Merkel wants him too, just like Stasi 2.0 Schäuble:
the Federal Trojan aka the BKA-purpose weapon against evil terrorism.
by e-mail that he will be funneled into the PCs of the terrorist cells in order to spy on what makes sense, attack plans, account data and cash flows in the network connections. This
is then forged a legislative text that will be designed with vague legal terms. The commentary to the law, there are probably far similar formulations to the BKA, the work is not to make too difficult to penetrate the privacy of suspects and use a variety of hacker tools.
to critically in this context are two problems: First,
How transparent are the BKA work, who monitors the use of instruments of the BKA? Specifically: How to prevent abuse and I get a letter from the BKA, my computer after the Office has routinely tested?
Second, and much more weighty:
Wen meets the evil sword the Trojan?
media and politics suggest that it is at best a question of law or the design of the plug a loophole to get at terrorist data. But: Does the suggestion is not directly forced into a hacker war between good and evil? Believe Merkel and Schäuble really stupid terrorists leave their data out on the hard drive and spying by a huge firewall low barn door? Sure, the BKA specialists who have extensive expertise in this regard. But the ladies and gentlemen of the Islamic fundamentalist bomb front in turn, hold money that you can buy effective protection mechanisms.
Ultimately, through the suggestion of Schäuble and Merkel that is threatened only one:
Not the well-equipped, smart terrorist, not the tech-savvy, well-educated citizens, who already encrypts the data on his plate and his e-mails, because he may have legitimate fears of a "mistake" of the BKA, but the 08/15-Onlinebürger in Germany, the security of the network's activities Schlechtweg not aware / do not care or lacks the ability and knowledge in unauthorized interference by the state, the their privacy protected. The technology savvy
bombers of tomorrow will have an e-mail of the BKA with unknown Annex smile probably just tired and press the Delete key - if the e-mail ever gets on his computer.

Schäuble's plan / Merkel seems to have many effects, but certainly not one: to make this country safer in any way.

second Citizens to supply data

In the fall debate is not only the first time the draft law on railway privatization, but also the retention issue is on the agenda and decide. A corresponding bill
of CDU / CSU and SPD is already on the table. In politics, the term data retention is now synonymous with the storage of telecommunications data used for law enforcement purposes.
In future telecommunications providers are required to store collected traffic data for billing their customers' location data and unique device IDs for a specified period (minimum retention period), so that police and intelligence services can access it.
According to existing law have to delete the provider, the traffic data after the connection immediately, unless they need the data for billing purposes (§ 96 paragraph 2 of the Telecommunications Act). For accounting purposes is not required, for example, location data, IP addresses and e-mail traffic data. The
new law is also a consequence of a controversial EU directive that will be implemented in national law. There

More background info here it .

third Police state promotes new § 129a of the Criminal Code and Andrej H.

What threat appears abuses our constitutional state even without the above instruments to light apparent in the case of Andrej H.
(supply data to the article, also sent to the appropriate law enforcement agency if they are to "avert substantial danger to public safety" concern)

ignites an in Berlin illustrious small group of people who want to remain anonymous, to cars for some time. Do this create a lighter fluid on the tire of a car, puts a lighted cigarette on it and away from the scene. After 2 minutes of the Porsche Cayenne is ablaze.
The so-called militant group (mg) claimed responsibility for the atrocities in claiming responsibility, which was carrying an intellectual appearance, as they words like "gentrification" and "precariousness" mentioned. Because the competent
BKA officials apparently had no idea what that meant these terms or in what context they are used, they unceremoniously threw the people's search engine "Google" and fed the monster with searching the key words "gentrification" and "precariousness".
In this context, the officials were then on the urban sociologist Andrej H. and began to observe him. His bad luck that he "gentrification" researched, also met with a member of the BKA mg and that it was watching (not listening).
Andrej H. was transported straight into the pre-trial detention, reproach: "membership in a terrorist organization." Relevant: the highly controversial, as part of the RAF terrorism resulting § 129 BGB.
Mind you
the warrant of the BKA was therefore justified by the fact that Andrej H. twice with a known member of mg met (on the content of Meet the BKA had no data), and that Andrew H.
as a scientist on the intellectual capacity enabling it to write the letter of confession.

The process is still running, Andrej H. is after massive protests from international renowned sociologist and a dedicated media reporting on the loose again (of course, subject to conditions).
The case is certainly exciting.
Telepolis writes, including:
After the old truism that everyone knows each other over a maximum of six corners, a mere meeting but a very vague suspicions. Federal President Horst Köhler as met Sure a few months ago the ex-Christian terrorists, is rumored that the two even talked about terrorism. Nevertheless, Keller is still at large.

"gentrification" and "precariousness"

Andrej H., § 129a and the suspect tag

"of evidence by the investigating authorities"

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How Long Can You Have Melanoma Before It Spreads

You No Mess With Kraftwerk / Hot Chip!

friends, is the message some of us music lovers, the pants become wet: the old German electro pioneers Kraftwerk have rabbits Hot Chip "aerodynamics" and "La Forme" from 2003's "Tour . De France Soundtracks "remix

The result is very close to it on a wet pants.
twice there is intelligently structured tracks with lots of space and typical power-vocals like a favorite make up I do not, both tracks are fine miniature masterpieces of electronic music art , 20 minutes, you can very well be entertained, provided adequate sound sources. Who is this song by his laptop speakers can rattle so your fault.

The 12 "comes on 21 September at the beautiful indie record label EMI out. Where do you get the songs before, I need not tell at this point. A must in any case it is for, friends.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

High End Artist Tattoo Price

You No Mess With The Lo Wang!

friends, back when I was young and without reflection on my actions, I've also played just like all the gunman after me KILLER GAMES .
One of them, it was my favorite shooting game was called, Shadow Warrior . In it I found
a successful mixture of blood lust, adventure, oriental aesthetics and a lot of humor. As I struggled with Lo Wang Katana and Shuriken against the evil bosses of Zilla Enterprises and their descendants undead.

other day I accidentally dropped the game back to the hard drive because it also has the advantage of a fine MacOS version.
course I had doubts about the dire consequences that can have such a killer game on my psyche. So at least it was given to me by the mass media and close a chat with the Interior Minister of Hungary, Dr. Karl-Heinz Grasser, the effect made me afraid.
And yet outweighed the curiosity! I knew that here, this is something forbidden!
crashed so I am again with Lo Wang adventure and slaughtered one of the undead after the next, only so that the blood spurted! Now and then there was admired even a half-naked manga girls.
I am still very shaky after my blood-rich raid. And yet I feel better now and I have to smile when I think back at me and Lo Wang, and what a beautiful Time we had together.
Lo Wang would also say "Everybody dead I like that."

On the Reception of Shooters:
Robert Parungao, a graduate of University of British Columbia, criticized for ignoring distinctions among Shadow Warrior Asian cultures: "The villain [protagonist] in Shadow Warrior goes by a Chinese name, Lo Wang, "But when he fires his rocket launcher at his enemies, he screams 'just like Hiroshima'."

Monday, August 27, 2007

How To Clean Sonicare

bring it on!

friends, I just put my last university obligations under the summer semester behind me or . in this small, once-white and now hammered yellow keyboard. The main thing, there 's permit for glanders, but my favorite minor one gets even used toilet paper a proof of performance.

Friday I was with Erlend Øye c / o Whitest Boy Alive. That was nice, because I first Erlend, who is a true artist hero with a lot of eroticism even me, have seen the first time in genuine and secondly, because all have mitgewippt so great in the Mitwippermusik, which has since been times boring and then good again. In any case, the addition
was very great, consisting only of covers of contemporary Musikhitraketen:

PS: Bielefeld is not just ugly, you will also find never the place that one is looking. Very very wicked city!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

What Is The Significance Of Wolf Tooth Pendant

William, it was really nothing at

friends, long time no see internet.
But so is this: I currently have my guts again get a grip and then the idea closer to the next Analhusten than the Blogfangemeinde, scusi.
I hope you continue to diligently stick labels on your private railways and have an equally eventful weekend as I do. This is a date tomorrow night with Erlend Øye before on Saturday with the coolest of all Munster Party Venues Aasee view an extremely obscure party celebrating that I have with a single CD player, and without further Hilsmittel ("can even burn as mix-CDs") to sonicate after command Back that are more electro-punk anti-mass have put in abdominal pain humor - madness!

Mini Music Observations:
  • Erol has produced "Bathroom Gurgle" by Late Of The Pier a huge hit with as Hittig Gemeindetanzabendhookline that only leaves one question: what is your verse, bridge and chorus?
Otherwise here recommendations for Friends of the minimum Elektrogedödels:
  • [FNU 04] Fenou number 4 with Daypak Solo and Dredl Kibosh (next to the fine music and the packaging is convincing: hand-painted and limited hq-10)
  • [ RRY 013 ] The Suffragettes - High GI EP (with a very great Marek Bois Remix - Mr. Bois is also the man behind Fenou)
  • [ & nd 012] Audision - Forty-One Spalding ("Drunk On Beauty" has been embellished days my MySpace page, wonderful, not only externally very round 12 ")
  • The Two hundred podcast the second and third recommendation is to thank. The friend of electronic music is hereby recommended this podcast.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Why Does My Makeup Look Caky

arts & crafts

Friends, Music News brief disabled here between the layers in the work week end:

On 18 or 19 September, surely I'm not appear the solo album by Kevin Drew, in his capacity Oberhäutpling and eternal constant of Broken Social Scene. So the album is called then, probably due PR purposes, "Broken Social Scene presents: Kevin Drew - Spirit If ...".
What one can hear in advance, nothing is really new, but also not bad.
The single "TBTF" you can listen to Drews MySpace page and download it.
a nice video including J. Mascis for the song "Back Out On The ..." can see here:

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pain Back Just Above Waist

zoon politikon

friends, I am a social creature. I may have militant people who enjoy controversy. People to question things first before they get a faith or belief as their own.

Yesterday I saw "Good Night, And Good Luck" , a wonderful film about Investigativjournalismus in the U.S. during the McCarthy era. A film of striking parallels to the current political situation in the U.S. and increasingly draws in Germany.
It speaks of the CBS journalist Edward R. Murrow such wonderful things like:
"Most truths are so naked that people feel sorry for them and cover them up, at least a little bit."
"The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is so true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue." .

Somewhere at the bottom of the film refers to the statement that it reveal the duty of enlightened people, and of course the media is to search for the truth, to denounce these injustices and in public spaces. Regardless of whether that process is economically recoverable or motivated a powerful opposition.

why I would like at this point two, almost Attach three things that have moved me politically lately and still move. Maybe you take the time, does not think about opportunity costs or consumption or quick and easy gratification and read a little on interesting sites in the internet:

first Railway privatization
actually already a scandal, at least, the draft law from the Tiefenseeschen Affairs.
with all sorts of legal wrangling will be tempted to sell off over 100 billion euro train for a few billion euros and brought to market to overthrow the federal government in control of the rails and to degrade to mere Netzsubventionslakaien, and ultimately overturn the constitutional mandate under Article 87e para 4.
is the most complex issues, both economically and legally .

Economically, the problem is briefly put, that there can be no parallel track systems for several competitors in the market. Talk of the problem of indivisibility, which requires a natural monopoly. That is, the cost is then minimal if only one company owns the rails / managed. This company is currently the federal government as the owner of the network and the DB AG with 100% voting shares.
The current draft law now provides that - to put it simply - the federal government while on paper is still the owner of the so-called railway infrastructure company, the federal government (EIU) is that he gives up but in fact his authority at the Annual Meeting of the EIU in favor of DB AG, subject to a "sustained threat to the security interest" of the federal - what a very spongy and legally controversial legal term.
is the core of the bill by the experts as seen on two pages as a failed attempt by the legislature, give "of the DB AG so few rights to the EIU, the constitutionally required effect is maintained by the Federal her but yet so to give many rights to the EIU, that the balance right - and behind that, ultimately, the market - The EIU's economic assets of the DB AG assigns. Not meet the federal government retained rights to the standard of a majority of the Federation in Article 87, paragraph 3, e 3 ms 2 GG, nor can the EIU in favor of DB AG accounted for "

order that again in all. clearly highlighting here:
is currently the bill a heavenly vision for all future yield-oriented investors of the DB AG A railway company that may want to exercise quasi and how it wants and its network at the same time massively by the state, so the taxpayers subsidized, without. any political influence can still submit to the web.
Thus, the citizen may at least legitimate fear for his guarantee on the loss-making regional train from Hinterpusemuckel to Oberammergau.

second child pornography
has here, the legislature apparently, a new, as it were dangerous ace up its sleeve.
of the Act to implement the Framework Decision of the Council of the European Union on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography "comes up with some surprises and could lead to criminal consequences for the 17 year old first love Flying carries in his wallet a bit lewd photo of his 16 year old girlfriend. Commented
A blogger put it:
The only thing that causes this law is that the existing social consensus that child pornography is banned, is in danger.
If it were not so serious it would be a flawless farce.
reading !

third Butterwegge
It may indeed be the Lord as you want. Certainly the positions are sometimes extremely. But at that very extremism is the attraction. He's expanding horizon. And without blinders can certainly many good things from Butterwegge incoming Book found.
given an interview .

PS: If I like civil disobedience can order at Attac funny stickers on railway privatization to the postage cost in order hihi "his private car (if you have one)" to decorate. 've Already started making fun.

Monday, August 13, 2007

How Long Does It Take For Ice Cubes To Freeze


Actually I wanted to wait to 24 Clock, so that's not so much looks like a pathological finding, but it tingles in my fingers.

friends, it is important that we dispense with this album is not really summer. Actually, it was not there, the topic or the summer album.

But now:
A mathematics Ph.D. Canadian living in London and with Dan "Caribou" Snaith makes the most beautiful summer herb Popp bar in 2007.

There is plenty of head voice heard and bittersweet melodies, insipid percussion work, wonderful backing vocals and wrong, yes shimmering sound surfaces with flutes, strings, electric gadgets and a touch of Wavemelancholie on every corner, is typically breathed out. If you close your eyes one is quickly in a parallel universe that is strongly reminiscent of Haight-Ashbury anno 1967th
"Andorra" is beautiful, pure ground Popeklektizimus with many open doors for the LSD-psychedelic trip par excellence! Beach Boys, Simon & Garfunkel carded, and Jefferson Airplane to cool and fresh, wonderful.
brilliant masterpiece!

Enough gesabbert, view and listen: there

this track's in even better (what's almost impossible) as Four Tet Remix on the Melody Day 7 "
the entire album. You can listen here
Now, friends, Buying

PS.!.. Friday, 21/09 Köln, Studio 672, 9 € ridiculous I'm going, who else

I Have 6 Small Holes By My Butt

fractal part II: Penis Monologues

The three best albums of German pop music?

1st Blumfeld - Ich-machine
second false color - the monarchy and everyday
3. Edge - Two light

number 1 has helped me in the survival, number 2 as well, number 3 all the more.
On my funeral to be definitely "Live At The Electric Avenue"
("There are people for whom it is clear that you're not there for a long time. / / But no one knows the place where to rest your bones. / go / That you're gone some way beyond the tracks. / / Across the milky white way, with your golden shoes. ")
of number 3, so great is this
number 2 knew in 1980 that soon gray B movie heroes rule the country and this is then called progress.
And number one is waiting with such a beautiful life issues such as:

are "two ? Too much, to be free
or I need you to to be me "

Convert Plug-in Pendant Lamp To Be Hardwired

fractal part I: pickles, Springer, time left

If I close then the eyes and begin to lose myself in daydreams, it happen to me sometimes bizarre things:

as I dream of which, 1 Chairman of the largest German pickles fan club, because I gherkins so affectionate.
dreaming or I, that the Döpfner Springer appears in the auditorium because he wants to make a speech about why the H3 is now in "Friede Springer Memorial Auditorium" . renamed and then I get up and everything looks and I cry, "Go 'away from home, you old Scheißdemagoge You go home, etc., etc. And all agree on and the Döpfner turns red and he wants to talk, but you do not understand a word because they all call with me in the choir all the time. And then the Döpfner's easy and it was a good day for me and the left.

the time or actually Emnid found out that Germany has moved to the left. formulated, much less excited, it was stated that middle and left of the middle 86% of Germans want to be. Most are on minimum wages, privatization of transport, energy and post against retirement at 67, for more state intervention in child care and feel that too little is being done against social injustice in Germany. That gives me yet hopefully, to this retirement hogwash. Finally, the TIME magazine recently portrayed even a roofer, who pointed proudly to 70 years of colleagues who are still motivated to perform at a dizzy height of their day's work.

So, I'm also left. It has always been. As my heart beats.
links in the sense that the occasion for political action is always the perception of social injustice. Links in the sense of a greater emphasis on equal opportunity and solidarity. Links within the meaning of the reform left, not the revolutionary left, the system will change.

the time or actually Emnid also found that the Greens are pretty much the left-wing party are that there are so when the left does not necessarily seriously. Since I am also advocates nuclear phase and have always voted already green, this statement makes me glad. The trees are green and the lawn.

The most interesting part of the TIME article - to now little more seriously - however, was the reference to the great Master Social and legal philosopher John Rawls in the context of this debate has more poverty, less social justice and increasing relegation fears in the middle class in Germany.
Mr. Rawls said, namely, that people do not per se against inequality and they would accept it even if it is tied to performance and ultimately benefit all of it, because the country is more competitive and prosperous.
The belief in this binding seems well shaken by all the political milieu of time - this is the conclusion of the TIME / Emnid poll. And then here lies the crux of the problem that I see as the Lord TIME Author:
"If confidence is lost in the equal opportunities of a society can be a problem for democracy."

At least the capital elite may have to eventually thicker walls and higher fences built.

pelle. My favorite boy name.
Agent Bob Cooper has seen in the mirror and asked, "How's Annie?"

Friday, August 10, 2007

Has Anyone Got Their Tax Refund Early

BPB, Broder, Boerne and Islam

Okay friends, I rebelled.
In that BPB - the Federal National political education - now " Hurray, we capitulate " sell by Henryk M. Broder, with the effect that this work now price (-un) is worth more widespread.
because the emotions of that essay causes around the already excited debate "The threat to the West by Islam" in connection with such dubious Internet conglomerates like " PI - Politically Incorrect " whose readers through their passionate comments like a German national sentiments reveal, make me more scared.
fear of an anti-Islamic (fashion) movement, which reflects the problems encountered little and differentiated, and a primitive In-Group/Out-Group succumbs emotion, fueled by widespread polemicist as just and Mr. Broder is one.
This was recently the Boerne - price awarded a foundation, whose board sit in such illustrious men as Burda and Döpfner. An other, Helmut "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck - and not think of the reader" Mark word was given the honor this year alone - as usual - select a winner. And Mark just found the word Broder dolle quite honored because this George W. Bush, advocating the Iraq war and against "1.5 billion Muslims around the world, the chronically offended and tend unpredictable reactions " (Broder) is fighting.
Broder also finds that " If an 'immigrant' has, who needs only in very extreme cases, a lawyer, for example, when he slaughters a filmmaker on the streets ". Next
notes Broder, a pernicious, close following of demagogy extending logic:
"You can not run in many ways prior to the realization that terrorism is a threat that must be put to [...]. A sober analysis would result in two options, [there is a third possibility, editor A.] tertium non datur: Man surrenders immediately comes to Islam and a particularly militant community in, or you seriously considered what you could do to stop terrorism, for which one would unfortunately sacrificing some principles of the fenced-in communal life. "
seems interesting to this quote to me and the hidden final" either you step to Islam over or you fight the Terrorimus "which is aimed, of course, to the subtle equation Islam = Terrorimus
At last, Broder's position on holiday in Guantanamo.
" The idea that an innocent person could be detained for years, is a nightmare. On the other hand, beyond the idea that we could on terror only by lawful Means get at the border to the unreal. It is as if you call the fire department would be to stick in their operations to the Highway Code and in any case a red light to run over. "
suggested for this dumb relativism, the lack of alternatives, stammtisch adequately simply a metaphor does not last holds great potential for danger, Broder gets so regularly applause both from above (Döpfner, Burda, Mark word) and below (round)

And now sharpens the BPB their islam critical profile -..! with Broder Hurrah, I capitulate

This review uses quotes from the media criticism of Otto Koehler in leaves for German and international politics 8 / 2007, p. 935

Thursday, August 9, 2007

6.0 Engine Forsale Chevy Ss Silverado


friends, today arrived at the house of freshly Difat Kah:

V / A - Kompakt Total 8
Feist - 1234/My Moon My Man remixes.
Boys Noize - Down
low floor - DIN
Kaos feat Khan - Cerebral Tremolo

I must write because the nice compact package came with not only a beautiful poster, a hip plastic bag and an intro, but also a groove.
And there innocently leafing through I found "Oh My Bod" - the vibrator to the iPod. Once connected, he
happy the lady with vibrations in the beat. The miracle thing costs 79,90 Euro and the great thing is Also while you sit or someone else happy with the musical vibrator, and you just listen to their favorite music to it. Great, Christmas is indeed just around the corner.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sorority Community Service Reccomendation Letter

can i get get get

friends, picture puzzles.
What is this?
Tip: Position 1 on my Christmas list when a new cat has marked in the interior of their turf.
I have finally again a savings goal, great. Maybe I sell it at all similar to my body, which could be worth.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Do Axe Hair Products Cause Hair Loss


friends, once more sound messages and software news.

favorite Kompakt Total compilation is released in a new paragraph 8, the gay friend Beatgeklickers expect 3 press fresh LPs at discount price of 14.99 euros. I was able to advance the legendary Blumfeld Amplifier Cover by Thomas Mayer "Transferred" to hear. Recommended ! On Friday, to 17:08, there are also a big party in Cologne for 20 € VVK.

The Brunettes are the new Sub Pop hype and make shopping on their new album "Structure & Cosmetics" that what is generally understood by Twee Pop. Very nice here you can run the plant to the ears.

Songbird is a free new hip Media Player, which is as web browser and a jukebox and on Mozilla based, ie all platforms to have. Quite famously in this nice software I find the use of MP3 blogs - without having to download songs previously blind, you can listen to them directly. Only works with blogs that the songs not on the servers of external providers have are (zshare etc. pp.) are plug-ins and extensions are also quite a lot.
For Mac users, the software checked at two points: first, the window is stiff as Windows, on the other Songbird does not really work in harmonious cooperation to Itunes. Also, as far as stability and speed, there is certainly room for improvement. Because it gives hope that the current version of Songbird is only 0.2.5. Poman thanks for the tip. Download here
, a nice introduction here .